October 7, 2024

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Guyana’s President – Blocking out evil fosters better communities, world

A section of the gathering at the Century 21 Guyana finals of the Quran Recitation Competition

There must first be an ultimate determination in the hearts of people to block out all evil behaviour, for the world to achieve better countries and communities.

This was the view expressed by President, Irfaan Ali on Friday evening, as he addressed the Century 21 Guyana finals of the Quran Recitation Competition, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC). Ali disclosed that reciting the Quran serves as a guide to one’s life, pointing persons to what is right and wholesome.

He stressed that the recital of the Quran, is integral to the practice of Islam. President Ali, who is also a Muslim, described the holy book as the secret text of Islam. He noted that Muslims believe it holds mighty words that are instructive and powerful.

“It teaches us how to live, it allows us to pass on our faith to future generations. As Muslims we are promised that Allah will find favour with and will reward the practice of reciting the Quran,” Ali said.

The Head of State stressed that the recital of the Quran allows believers to have a closer communication with Allah (God) and invites the intersession of the Creator into their lives.

President Ali hands over a token to a participant of the Century 21 Guyana finals of the Quran Recitation Competition

Moreover, the President said reading the holy book allows one to lay all their cares and troubles on the Creator, and make them free from distraction and intrusions of thoughts and actions.

“It’s not only about recitation, its about bringing us in proximity with God through the message. And if we don’t feel after recitation that we are close in proximity then maybe we need to revisit the intention. Recitation reinforces the need for us to comply with the directives of God,” he added.

Meanwhile, Friday’s session of the Quran Recitation Competition saw a number of representatives from several masjids across the country.

It was pointed out that following the semi-finals, 20 finalists were selected from the four categories, under 10, under 13, 14-20 years and age category 21-25.

President Ali added that the event clearly shows a new generation that is ready to ensure the legacy of Islam continues.