September 24, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

PM Harris losing friends – fast

On July 22, 2022 Dr. Harris was once again missing from yet another meeting. It was the OECS Eastern Caribbean Monetary Council meeting held in St. Lucia.

SOME REGIONAL HEADS HAVE FLUNKED embattled St Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister, Dr Timothy Harris after assessing his seven-year stewardship, a knowledgeable inside source said requesting anonymity.

The source close to the Harris’ administration identified his frequent absence from regional and international meetings suggests the highly-trained accountant has fallen out of favour with many of his colleagues and key global officials who hold the keys to development finance and projects for the 56,000 Caribbean nation.

Harris, who is seen obstinately self-willed, only buckled after a massive public protest organised by the opposition St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) coerced him to announce the Augst 5th date for national elections.

Before that, Harris actively searched for ways to prolong his party’s stay in office before announcing new polls after his three-party coalition collapsed when six cabinet ministers publicly distanced themselves from him.

In desperation, he fired his dissenting colleagues tried reshuffling his cabinet. However, a successful no confidence motion (NCM) ambushed his elaborate machinations.

“He got a lot of licks as many of the international and regionals heads bluntly told him that this isn’t the best way to go and democracy must be maintained and practiced at all cost,” the well-placed source explained.

“I remember that we (persons close to PM Harris) were told that should he fail to adhere to what the constitution says (or) the entire country could face certain sanctions and blacklisting that would be economically disastrous for everyone.”

“He was told in no uncertain terms that he is mandated to hold the election within the 90 days and this must be respected at all cost,” the source said speaking under strict confidentiality.

Several regional heads, who were once close to St. Kitts and Nevis, expressed alarm at Harris’ emerging despotic tendencies. Some have deliberately avoided the autocratic CARICOM leader whose administration is under suspicion for graft and who personally has been accused with nepotism.

This media house has learned that at least three regional Heads of Government have refused to endorse Harris quest for third-term, for fear of roiling their own constituents.

“He (Dr. Harris) called a certain Prime Minister from the Caribbean to speak at his Peoples’s Labour Party (PLP) function and the PM bluntly told him no, urging him to allow the true will of the people to be respected,” the source disclosed.

“For me, Dr. Harris is a brilliant man, but his academic brilliance has failed to evolve into excellent leadership, and despite him receding, several good advices to allow the will of the people to be reflected, he is bent on doing whatever he wants,” the source pointed out.

Harris’ self-isolation, coupled with allegations of grift, is blamed for the lukewarm reception from his Caribbean colleagues, the source explained,

“Ask many of the regional leaders and they will tell you that they are not interested and/or willing to embrace Dr. Timothy Harris the way that they use to, because his intentions are clear and that is to remain in government regardless of what the people want. I believe that the election recount situation in Guyana and the confusion at the White House with Donald Trump seeking to hold on to power has left a truly bitter taste in the mouths of leaders around the world and many are deliberately backing away from leaders who seem bent on not respecting the people’s wishes.”

Harris, so far, is refusing international observers at next week Friday’s polls according to a ‘Post Cabinet’ document.

“What we find of grave concern is that they have indicated that they will be (only) local and regional observers, but the names of these observers have not been (publicly) released. PM Harris continues to disregard professional and credible advice but is more fixated on doing whatever he likes or wants, and this certainly will have long term effects on the country,” the source said

“The question now is who are these people and organisations that will be observing the elections. Not even those close to him are aware of the names and organisations. I can tell you that more than likely, the public will be made aware of this probably with three to four days prior to election, which isn’t good enough. Nevertheless, I can understand the concerns of the other contesting parties that those that are allowed to observe the elections are in some way close and favourable to the PM,” the source emphasised.

Harris used the cover of COVID-19 outbreak to block regional and international observers from the 2020 General Elections, demanding they be quarantined for at least two weeks after entering Basseterre.  This meant completing the mandatory isolation after the election was completed.

The opposition had bitterly complained that it was another of Harris’ deliberate ploy to steal the elections.

Despite winning, Harris’ coalition Team Unity’s People Labour Party (PLP) government eventually collapsed after multiple partners publicly accused him of corruption, discrimination, victimisation and tossing the country over the precipice through his massively flawed economic policies.