September 24, 2024

Around the Regions

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Drew extends ‘olive branch’ to non-nationals

Part of the crowd

ST KITTS-NEVIS AUTHORITIES WILL NOT HOUND NON-NATIONALS living in the twin-island under the St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) promised Dr. Terrance Drew, who is heading the party’s ticket for next month’s general elections.

“We shall make living in St. Kitts and Nevis a better experience for all residents. We were in office for 20 years and n ever did anything to adversely impact the welcome and embrace of non-Kittitian born residents,” Drew said in his address Wednesday night while launching the party’s manifesto on social media.

Many non-nationals feel betrayed by the Timothy Harris administration which some admitted misled them into believing the then SKNLP Denzil Douglas government was poised to implement draconian immigration policies against CARICOM nationals living on the twin-island.

Harris was in a position to deceive since he was part of the Douglas 20-year administration but was fired from his cabinet post two years before his newly-formed coalition won the poll it contested.

He failed to honour sublime promises he and his Team Unity coalition made to foreigners working on the island ahead of the 2015 and 2020 polls he eventually won.

Under his government beset by persistent corruption allegations and scandals, economic and other hardships escalated for migrants working there.

“Frankly speaking…since Dr. Harris came to office many of the opportunities no longer exist,” a construction worker from Guyana admitted.

For him, things were much better under Douglas’ 20-year SKNLP tenure because his progressive, non-partisan policies “allowed many of us to work and support our families back home.”

By contrast, “we do not have to throw trinkets tonight at our Guyanese, Haitian, Jamaican or Latino brothers and sisters. You are here with us. You are a part of us,” Drew reminded, to rousing cheers and shouts among his animated audience.

“We shall implement policies to give you the assurance of comfort and security in this land, because we value the contribution you are making to the social, infrastructural and economic development of this country,” the prime-minister-in-waiting reiterated.

Supporters reacting to Dr. Drew’s message

Many non-nationals over the past seven years have bitterly complained about unfair and discriminatory practices levelled against them under the Harris administration.

A Jamaican national working in the hotel industry and requesting anonymity recalled that “things used to be nice (under former Dr Denzil Douglas) but since Harris tek over things nah nice no more. It’s hard…to live here and we all suffering in this place. I want to see a change in government bwoy.”

She is contemplating remigrating if Harris is returned to office.

On the other hand, Drew is legendary for his generosity to non-nationals and in his address, Wednesday, expressed gratitude for their contribution over the years to his country’s national development thrust.

“So, fear not my fellow Caribbean brothers and sisters. This St. Kitts and Nevis Labour Party has your back!” Drew reiterated.