September 20, 2024

Around the Regions

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$100M worth in machines given to advance Rose Hall Estate cultivation

The new machines commissioned handed over to the Rose Hall Estate, on Friday

Five new tilling machines valued at some $100M will aid the preparation process for cultivating sugar cane at the Rose Hall Estate, East Canje, Berbice, significantly.

Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha, handed over the high-end John Deere equipment, during the commissioning ceremony in front of the factory, on Friday. Mustapha disclosed that the investment is timely, and will spur greater production in the fields, as the administration takes an aggressive approach to ensuring the factory returns to production soonest.

The minister said that several persons residing in the West Canje district depend on the lone cane factory for an income, and with the advancing of the tilling fleet, additional space has been created for more operators. Mustapha noted that the move coincides with the government’s plans to rehire the hundreds of workers who were terminated, when the factory was shuttered under the APNU+AFC government.

“All of us could remember that not so long ago when the chimney at the estate stopped working all the communities in Rose Hall were plunged into a state of devastation. People had to give up the basic necessities to make sure they survived,” the minister reiterated. Mustapha said that the significant enhancing of the tillage system there will also ensure less soil erosion.

It was disclosed that special classes will be scheduled to train those individuals who are identified to operate in the fields. The minister stressed that the philosophy of the current Government is to introduce measures that will help all Guyanese.

Zulfikar Mustapha, handed over the newly commissioned machines, on Friday

“And when you look, the way our country is moving, it is moving with tremendous pace,” he related. Mustapha pointed out that while other sectors including construction, housing and infrastructure are significant to any country’s development, agriculture is the pillar of the nation’s economy.

The agriculture minister also urged persons to apply for the vacancies at the Rose Hall Estate, adding that two tractors will soon be procured for the factory.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), Sasenarine Singh said the equipment’s procurement will boost the socio-economic impact of the community.  Singh pointed out that without a massive tillage fleet, cane production will not be successful.

Meanwhile, Regional Chairman, David Armogan revealed that the multi-million investment is a clear indication that the government is serious about fully opening up the estate for production.