September 27, 2024

Around the Regions

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Works Min grants two week extension to contractor to finish $117 M Cane Grove road

Bishop Juan Edghill inspecting road works in Cane Grove

The $117M Cane Grove road in Region Four has seen the contractor executing works on it being given a two-week extension by Public Works Minister, Bishop Juan Edghill, on Friday, when he inspected the project upon residents’ request.

Edghill disclosed that works were initially set to be completed on May 21, by Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal. He said the works include 260 meters of asphaltic concrete road, along with the construction of two bridges, and a culvert. “I have issued an instruction, that written instructions be given to the contractor that he has two weeks to complete the work,” he related.

The minister said that while the contractor is at fault, he is calling on residents to cooperate, and allow for the works to be completed. He noted that he has asked the Chairman of the Cane Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council to engage the millers on the use of the road, while works are ongoing.“It would appear that residents have not fully cooperated with the fact that you have to have a traffic management plan to facilitate traffic while construction is going on. And some of the haulers fetching paddy have gone on the eight feet that is already prepared for asphaltic concrete, have damaged the shoulders and they have also damaged some of the geo-cells that have been put in place,” Edghill explained.

Bishop Juan Edghill inspecting road works in Cane Grove

The minister noted that there is need for cooperation as very soon the road will be closed off completely for one night to facilitate paving. He disclosed that the emergency works will be carried out on a bridge in the community which has collapsed. The bridge is not part of the $117M contract however, it provides access to hundreds of persons in the Cane Grove community.

“We have already gone out to procurement; we are at evaluation. It will be at Cabinet for no objection, an award will be made and work will begin here,” he declared.