September 28, 2024

Around the Regions

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New vehicles given to Guyana Fire Service to boost its operations

Minister Benn handing over keys to Chief Fire Officer, Gregory Wickham

The Guyana Fire Service (GFS) has procured two ambulances, water tenders and an airport rescue firefighter vehicle, all valued at some $178.6 million, thus boosting its work. It was disclosed that this is part of government’s commitment to ensuring firefighters are properly equipped to perform their duties, Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn said.

“Our President Irfaan Ali and the cabinet of course are greatly interested in preventing, in mitigating the occurrences of fire and also in the rescue services with respect of persons who may need paramedical services,” Benn said. On Tuesday in receiving the vehicles Benn noted that the critically needed vehicles will enhance the capabilities of the fire service and bring improved ‘safety and security’ to citizens.

The minister said that the airport rescue firefighter vehicle was purchased by the government to the tune of $146.3M and is expected to serve the Eugene F. Correia International Airport. He said that due to the high frequency of flights at the airport, the minister said firefighters must be ready and capable to respond to incidents involving possible fires and rescue there.

“This is intended to bring the Correia International Airport at Ogle to category four, for aerodrome firefighting… the appliance we have had there were falling behind the standards that are necessary,” Minister Benn said. The minister revealed that some $19.5M was expended for the purchase of the two ambulances, which he said will provide services to residents of Regions Three and Five.

It was noted that a further $12.7M was spent to purchase the water tenders to be utilised in Region Four. Meanwhile, Acting Chief Fire Officer, Gregory Wickham expressed his appreciation to the government, noting that the vehicles will allow firefighters to execute their duties in a professional manner.

The ambulances handed over to GFS

“I must firstly say thanks to the Government of Guyana for honouring our request and have these appliances and ambulances so that we’ll be able to execute our duties in a professional way,” Wickham said. The acting chief fire officer stressed that the people of Guyana depend strongly on firefighters for fire safety, fire protection and fire prevention.

“We want to offer our service to this nation, that is of exceptional quality and that is what we are called to do, so we are better prepared with these appliances to offer that service,” Wickham added. He revealed further, that some $28M was donated by Angloco Limited of the UK for the upgrading of the fire service.