September 25, 2024

Around the Regions

Bringing the Regions to you

1000 part-time jobs launched in Region 10 officially by Vice President

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo addressing beneficiaries at the Watooka Guest House in Linden, Region 10

1000 part-time jobs was officially launched by Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo on Saturday officially launched the government’s part-time jobs initiative in Region 10.

At a meeting with the beneficiaries at the Watooka Guest House, Linden, Dr. Jagdeo noted that this is the fulfilment of a promise made back in March, when he made the announcement during an outreach there. Dr. Jagdeo had said that 800 jobs would be made available, however, the region will benefit from 1,000 of these jobs.

The VP said that this forms part of the administration’s plan to subsidise household income in light of the rising cost of living. VP Jagdeo explained that pre-COVID, Guyana lost some 35,000 jobs due to poor government policies under the APNU+AFC. He made reference to the heavy  taxation and the subsequent shut down of the country when the pandemic hit.

Dr. Jagdeo pointed outthat this resulted in more jobs being lost, imposing significant hardships on Guyanese. He said in light of this, the Government has revised its providing its party’s manifesto promise of providing 50,000 jobs, looking at other ways of creating employment. “So it’s going to be about 8,000 to 10,000 of our people hired through this initiative. They will get $40,000 a month for 10 days of work,” Dr. Jagdeo said.

He continued, “It’s not free money, you have to work, but you don’t have to go into fields etc. Because we need a lot of people to assist in the hospitals. We need some persons in the libraries in our schools. We can place people in different agencies so they are doing productive work.”  The VP told the told the large gathering of beneficiaries to use the programme as a stepping stone and to also take advantage of the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL) scholarships, to improve themselves.

It was revealed that persons registered for the jobs and signed their one-year contracts to begin working in the new week.